
Lab 8.4.2 planning a backup solution

Sonya Leoni

step 1: choose the media and backup hardware
Equipment / media
USB and solid-state drives
fireWire drives
CD-RW and DVD+RW/-RW drives
Step 2: design a backup plan and procedure
a. Describe the equipment recommended and explain why you selected this equipment
Saya memilih media di atas Karena saya melihat dari segi kapasitas dan segi ekonomis
b. Describe location of the equipment in the network and the network link speeds to the equipment
c. Describe the backup media to be used and also explain why you selected this media
d.Describe the backup schedule
e.Describe the backup and restore procedure, including what kind of backup (Normal, differential, incremental), how it will be tested what kind of maintenance the equipment requires. How tapes will be labeled and where tapes that have been backed up will be stored. When backups need to be restored, what is the procedure for a file a folder a driver (use extra sheets it necessary)


Lab 8.3.1 Interpreting a service level agreement

Sonya Leoni

Step 1: review typical customer needs
Step 2: Analyze a sample SLA and identify key components
a. Read over the sample SLA that follows and answer these questions regarding content, ISP responsibilities, and customer requirements.
b. According to this agreement, can the ISP be held liable for damage to equipment owned by the customer [Client] or data loss that occurs due to accidental actions by ISP vendor staff or other persons? bisa
c.What are some examples of One Time Services included in the SLA? E-mail service, electronic interchange, online accounting, secure remote workerr support, remote indtrumentation and control system, and backup and recovery service.
d. What are some examples of On going Services included in the SLA? E-mail service, online acounting e. When will regular downtime maintenance be scheduled and how many business days notice must the ISP give of any scheduled downtime? Banyak jam dalam satu hari dan banyak hari dalam senulan.What does the ISP’s network monitoring system do when an error condition is detected? What is the stated availability of the Systems Administrators in the event of a system failure? What is “usage monitoring” and how does the ISP provide this service? Dengan memantau kerja sistem
f. Regarding problem severity and ISP response time, what is the difference in response between “Level 1 – normal business hours” and “Level 3 – normal business hours”? pada level satu baru mendeteksi problem dan pada level 3 sudah ada pengontrolan
g. On what factors are the penalties for service outages based? Provides an estimate for the cost to the customer for a service outage for each of the services the customer wants covered by an SLA.


CCNA2 - Lab 8.3.2 Conducting a Network Capture With Wireshark

Sonya Leoni

Step 1: install and launch Wireshark
Step 2: select an interface to  use for capturing pakets
Step 3 : Analysyze web trafict information (optional)
a.       The conection to the google server with a query to the DNS server to lookup the server IP address. The destination server IP address will most likely start with 64.x.x.x what is the source and destination of the first packet sent to the google server?
b.      Open another browser window and go to the ARIN who is database http://www.arin .net/whois/ or use another whois lookup tool and enter thr IP address of the destination server. To what organization is this IP address assigned?
c.       What are the protocols is used to establish the connection to the web server and deliver the web page to your local host? TCP
d.      What is the color used to establish the connection to the server and deliver the web page to your local host? hijau
e.       What is the color used to highlight the traffic between your host and the google web server? gray
Step 5: filter a network capture
a.       Open a command prompt window by clicking start > all programs > run and typing cmd.
b.      Ping a host IP address on your local network and observer? ICMP
c.       When icmp is typed in the filter text box what kind of raffic is was displayed? Ketika kita menge-ping host IP address yang ada di jaringan local kita
d.      Click the filter: Expression button on the wireshark eindow. Scroll down the list and view the filter possibilities there. Are TCP, HTTP,ARP and other protocols listed? Ya ada
Step 6:reflection
a.       There are hundreads of filters listed in the filter: expression option. It may be possible that, in a large network , there would be enormounts and many different types of traffic. Which three filters in the long list do you think might be most useful to a network administrator
b.      Is wreshark a tool for out of band or in band network monitoring
Explain your answare


Lab 8.1.3 Security Local Data and Transmitted Data

Sonya Leoni

Part 1
Step 1: secure bobs files folder
Step 2: test joes access to bobs files
Part 2
Step 1: identify a secure web page
Step 2: examine secure access to an untrusted source warming

Lab 8.2.1 planning for access lists and port filters
Step 1: Restrict Client A to one subnet
You are asked to restrict client A to only the subnet to which it is currently attached. Client A needs to be able to access server A. but it does not need to accsess the internet or server B. where would you place the access list?
Allow or Deny?
Input or output filter?
Router 2
0/0 dan 0/1
Karena hanya untuk mengekses server yang berada di internal jaringan dan tidak bisa untuk eksternal jaringan atau jaringan luar
Step 2: Restrict client A access to server A but allow access to server B the internet
You are asked to restrict client B from accessing server B needs internet access and access to server B. where would you place the access list?
Allow or Derry?
Input or output filter?
Router 1 dan 3
0/0 dan 0/1
Karena diizinkan untu mengakses jaringan internal dan eksternal

Step 3: Allow only client A to access the routers using only SSH
You have been asked to secure access to the routers for only client A. which will be the management PC for those routers. You want to limit access to only SSH from Client A and prevent telnet access. Where would you place the access list?
Input or output filter?
Allow or Deny?
Router 1
0/0 dan 0/1
Jaringan internal
Router 2
0/0 dan 0/1
Jaringan eksternal
0/0 dan 0/1
Jaringan eksternal

Lab 8.2.5 Researching an Anti-X Software Product
Step 1: identify three products

Step 2: Compare pricing


Lab 8.3.1 Interpreting a service level agreement
Step 1: review typical customer needs
Step 2: Analyze a sample SLA and identify key components
a.       Read over the sample SLA that follows and answer these questions regarding content, ISP responsibilities, and customer requirements.
b.      According to this agreement, can the ISP be held liable for damage to equipment owned by the customer [Client] or data loss that occurs due to accidental actions by ISP vendor staff or other persons? bisa
c.       What are some examples of One Time Services included in the SLA? E-mail service, electronic interchange, online accounting, secure remote workerr support, remote indtrumentation and control system, and backup and recovery service.
d.      What are some examples of On going Services included in the SLA? E-mail service, online acounting
e.       When will regular downtime maintenance be scheduled and how many business days notice must the ISP give of any scheduled downtime? Banyak jam dalam satu hari dan banyak hari dalam senulan.What does the ISP’s network monitoring system do when an error condition is detected? What is the stated availability of the Systems Administrators in the event of a system failure? What is “usage monitoring” and how does the ISP provide this service? Dengan memantau kerja sistem
f.        Regarding problem severity and ISP response time, what is the difference in response between “Level 1 – normal business hours” and “Level 3 – normal business hours”? pada level satu baru mendeteksi problem dan pada level 3 sudah ada pengontrolan
g.      On what factors are the penalties for service outages based?  Provides an estimate for the cost to the customer for a service outage for each of the services the customer wants covered by an SLA.


Lab 2.3.3 Examining Operating System and Application Versions

Sonya leoni

  • • Determine the operating system (OS) version and revision.
  • • Examine the method used for configuring Windows XP updates.
  • • Determine the revision number of a particular application.
Background / Preparation
It is important to keep operating systems and applications up-to-date to ensure stable operation and to address security vulnerabilities. These updates are called revisions, updates, patches, or hot fixes. There are three ways to update the Windows XP operating system: automatic updating, downloading patches automatically and manually determining when they are installed, or manually downloading and installing the patches. This lab can be done individually, in pairs, or in teams. The following resources are required:
  • Computer with Windows XP and an application such as Microsoft Word installed
Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
  • a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
  • b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
  • c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?Jawaban: Windows XP Service pack 2 version 5.1
  • d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP? Jawaban: 978,884 kb
  • e. Why is memory important to an operating system? Jawaban: karena setiap proses yang dilakukan oleh system computer tersimpan dalam memori jadi memori sanganlah penting bagi OS. Memory important to an operating system becauseMemory does store temporary files from software and OS. The memory does not store the temporary files from software and OS. These files Should Be fast Pls reached a user application needs those files. These files must be achieved quickly when the application requires the file. Example: You’re working with a word proccesor and you’re typing. Example: You work with proccesor word and you type. Everything you type would be stored in the memory Sow you do not lose the data you’re Until you save That data on you’re hard drive it stays in the memory if the application is running. Everything you type will be stored in the memory sow you will not lose your data until you save the data on your hard drive is still in memory when the application is running.
  • Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
  • According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make? Jawaban: satu saja.
  • g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? Jawaban:
  • Automatic (recommended) Option
  • Download Updates for Me, But Let Me Choose When to Install Them Option
  • Notify Me But Don’t Automatically Download or Install Them Option
  • Turn Off Automatic Updates Option
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
Jawaban: based the information if updates are process but suddenly disconnect to the internet  “if you disconnect from internet before updates are fully downloaded, nothing is lost. The download will be continue the next time you connect to the internet”
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
Jawaban: update is daily updates, it nothing speciall time for update. But you are free to choose what time you want to update
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the computer chose this option?Jawaban: karena OS nya tidak original maka perlu di lakukan peng-update-tan supaya untuk melindungi OS dan Pc dari virus-virus dan bahaya lainnya.
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? Yes.
l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version?
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? Jawaban: ya.
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? Jawaban: tidak karena Ms. Office yang saya gunakan full version.
. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
  1. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
Jawaban: ketika update itu sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendukung pengotimalan kerja dari aplikasi maupu os namun kesering update juga menimbulkan masalah oleh karena itu gunakanlah aplikasi maupu os yang full version.
  1. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.


Lab 1.3.2 Determining Data Storage Capacity

Sonya Leoni

  • Determine the amount of RAM (in MB) installed in a PC.
  • Determine the size of the hard disk drive (in GB) installed in a PC.
  • Determine the used and available space on the hard disk drive (in GB).
  • Check other types of storage devices (floppy, CD-ROM, DVD).
Background / Preparation
The storage capacity of many PC components is measured in megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB). These components include RAM, hard disk drives, and optical media, such as CDs and DVDs. In this lab, you will determine the capacity and space available for various computer components.
The following resources are required:
  • Computer with Windows XP installed
Step 1: Identify the RAM in a computer
  1. With Windows XP, there are two ways to view control panels: Classic View and Category View. The options available depend on which one of these two views you are using. If you see the Switch to Category View option on the left, you are currently in the classic view mode. If Switch to Classic View is displayed, you are currently in Category View mode. For this step, you want to use Classic View mode.
  2. From the Start menu, select Control Panel. In the Control Panel, choose System to open the System Properties dialog box. Alternatively, you can get this information by clicking the Start button and right clicking the My Computer icon. Next, choose Properties from the drop-down menu. The computer operating system and service pack information are listed in the upper part of the dialog box. The computer processor type, speed, and memory are listed in the lower portion.
  3. In this example, the computer processor is a Pentium 4 processor with a clock speed of 3.20 gigahertz (GHz). Clock speed is a measurement of the number of cycles per second that a processor is capable of doing. The number of cycles impacts the number of instructions per second that the CPU can process. A higher clock speed generally means that a processor is capable of executing more instructions per second. The computer has 448 MB of RAM available for the CPU.
  4. Check your computer and determine the amount of RAM available to the CPU. How much RAM is in your computer?jawaban:  956 MB atau 1GB.
Step 2: Determine the size of the hard disk drive
  1. Double-click the My Computer icon on your computer desktop. If you do not have a My Computer icon, click Start and choose My Computer.
  2. Right-click the local disk drive under the Hard Disk Drives Section (which is usually the C drive), and select Properties. This opens the Local Disk Properties dialog box. The total capacity of the hard drive is shown above the Drive C icon.
  3. Determine the size of the hard drive on your computer. What is the total size of the hard drive in GB?  The answer will vary depending on the hard drive installed in each computer. Jawaban: 34,1 GB
  4. Keep the Local Disk Properties dialog box open for the next step.
Step 3: Determine the free space and used space on the hard drive
  1. In the Local Disk Properties dialog box, the used and free space is shown in both bytes and GB above the Capacity.
  2. What is the used space of your hard drive in GB? Jawaban : 17,1 GB
  3. What is the free space of your hard drive in GB? Jawaban : 17,0 GB
  4. The answer will vary depending on the space of each individual hard drive.
Step 4: Check for other storage devices
  1. Right-click the Start button and select Explore. Select My Computer in the left pane.
  2. How many drive letters are shown in the window that appears?  Jawaban: 3
  3. The answer depends on the hardware installed, but there will be at least one and most likely two (hard drive and CD/DVD drive). There could possibly be more if there is a floppy drive, a USB flash drive, or a network drive.
  4. Right-click on a drive icon other than C: and select Properties. The Removable Disk Properties window appears.
  5. Select the Hardware tab, which provides information on each device and whether it is working properly.
Step 5: Reflection
  1. Why is it important to know the amount of RAM in your computer? Jawaban: This will determine the type of OS that you are able to run as well as which application programs can be used. Generally the more RAM in a computer system the better
  2. Why is the size of a hard drive as well as the space being used important? Jawaban: The size of the hard drive gives an indication of the total number of files that can be stored on the drive. This includes the operating system, application programs as well as any data associated with these programs. Generally the larger the drive size the better.


CCNA2_Lab 7.3.3.b Creating Primari and secondary forward lookup zones

Sonya Leoni

Step 1: Create a primary forward lookup zone on windows
Step 2: add a host record to the primary forward lookup zone
Step 3: create a secondary forward lookup zone
Step 4: reflection
What is the major benefit of having a primary and secondary DNS server in a zone?
Primary DNS server: computer menjalankan fungsi name server baerdasarkan data base yang dimilikinya
Secondary DNS server: computer menjalankan fungsi name server berdasarkan database yang diambil dari ptimary server


CCNA2_Lab 7.3.3 a Examining Cached DNS information on a windows DNS server

Sonya Leoni

Step 1: use the windows server administrative tool
Step 2: perform a DNS lookup
Step 3: Examine the chaced DNS entries
Step 4: reflection
a.The DNS server had to do a query to the cisco.com domain name servers to resolve name (www.cisco.com) to an IP address what do you think would happen the next time this website is visited again a few minutes? Maka aka nada ns3 karena alamat www.cisco.com diakses untuk yang ketiga kalinya
b What would happen if there are no requests for this website for a longer period of time? Tidak akan terjadi apa-apa record-nya tidak akan bertamba


CCNA Discovery 3 Module 3 Exam Answers Version 4.0

Sonya Leoni

Refer to the exhibit. What two statements can be concluded from the information that is shown in the exhibit? (Choose two.)
• All ports that are listed in the exhibit are access ports.
• ARP requests from Host1 will be forwarded to Host2.
• Attaching Host1 to port 3 will automatically allow communication between both hosts.
• The default gateway for each host must be changed to to allow communication between both hosts.
• A router connected to the switch is needed to forward traffic between the hosts. 
Jawaban : • All ports that are listed in the exhibit are access ports.
                   • A router connected to the switch is needed to forward traffic between the hosts.
A router is configured to connect to a trunked uplink as shown in the exhibit. A packet is received on the FastEthernet 0/1 physical interface from VLAN 10. The packet destination address is What will the router do with this packet?
• The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.1 tagged for VLAN 10.
• The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2 tagged for VLAN 60.
• The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.3 tagged for VLAN 60.
• The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.3 tagged for VLAN 120.
• The router will not process the packet since the source and destination are on the same subnet.
• The router will drop the packet since no network that includes the source address is attached to the router.
jawaban : • The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2 tagged for VLAN 60

3. The information contained in a BPDU is used for which two purposes? (Choose two.)
• to prevent loops by sharing bridging tables between connected switches
• to set the duplex mode of a redundant link
• to determine the shortest path to the root bridge
• to determine which ports will forward frames as part of the spanning tree
• to activate looped paths throughout the network
jawaban :• to determine the shortest path to the root bridge
• to determine which ports will forward frames as part of the spanning tree
4. A router has two serial interfaces and two Fast Ethernet interfaces. This router must be connected to a WAN link and to a switch that supports four VLANs. How can this be accomplished in the most efficient and cost-effective manner to support inter-VLAN routing between the four VLANs?
• Connect a smaller router to the serial interface to handle the inter-VLAN traffic.
• Add two additional Fast Ethernet interfaces to the router to allow one VLAN per interface.
• Connect a trunked uplink from the switch to one Fast Ethernet interface on the router and create logical subinterfaces for each VLAN.
• Use serial-to-Fast Ethernet transceivers to connect two of the VLANs to the serial ports on the router. Support the other two VLANs directly to the available FastEthernet ports.
jawaban :• Connect a trunked uplink from the switch to one Fast Ethernet interface on the router and create logical subinterfaces for each VLAN
5. When are MAC addresses removed from the CAM table?
• at regular 30 second intervals
• when a broadcast packet is received
• when the IP Address of a host is changed
• after they have been idle for a certain period of time
jawaban :• after they have been idle for a certain period of time
Refer to the exhibit. Switch1 is not participating in the VTP management process with the other switches. Which two are possible reasons for this? (Choose two.)
• Switch2 is in transparent mode.
• Switch1 is in client mode.
• Switch1 is using VTP version 1 and Switch2 is using VTP version 2.
• Switch2 is in server mode.
• Switch1 is in a different management domain.
• Switch1 has no VLANs.
jawaban : • Switch1 is using VTP version 1 and Switch2 is using VTP version 2.
                Switch1 is in a different management domain
7. Which three must be used when a router interface is configured for VLAN trunking? (Choose three.)
• one subinterface per VLAN
• one physical interface for each subinterface
• one IP network or subnetwork for each subinterface
• one trunked link per VLAN
• a management domain for each subinterface
• a compatible trunking protocol encapsulation for each subinterface
jawaban : • one subinterface per VLAN
                • one IP network or subnetwork for each subinterface
                • a compatible trunking protocol encapsulation for each subinterface 
Refer to the exhibit. The switches are connected with trunks within the same VTP management domain. Each switch is labeled with its VTP mode. A new VLAN is added to Switch3. This VLAN does not show up on the other switches. What is the reason for this?
• VLANs cannot be created on transparent mode switches.
• Server mode switches neither listen to nor forward VTP messages from transparent mode switches.
• VLANs created on transparent mode switches are not included in VTP advertisements.
• There are no ports assigned to the new VLAN on the other switches.
• Transparent mode switches do not forward VTP advertisements.
jawaban :• VLANs created on transparent mode switches are not included in VTP advertisements.
9. Which two criteria are used by STP to select a root bridge? (Choose two.)
• memory size
• bridge priority
• switching speed
• number of ports
• base MAC address
• switch location
jawaban : • bridge priority
                • base MAC address
10. Which three steps should be taken before moving a Catalyst switch to a new VTP management domain? (Choose three.)
• Reboot the switch.
• Reset the VTP counters to allow the switch to synchronize with the other switches in the domain.
• Download the VTP database from the VTP server in the new domain.
• Configure the VTP server in the domain to recognize the BID of the new switch.
• Select the correct VTP mode and version.
• Configure the switch with the name of the new management domain.
jawaban : • Reboot the switch.
• Reset the VTP counters to allow the switch to synchronize with the other switches in the domain.
• Select the correct VTP mode and version.
11. Which two items will prevent broadcasts from being sent throughout the network? (Choose two.)
• bridges
• routers
• switches
• hubs
jawaban : • routers
                • VLANs
12. Which two characteristics describe a port in the STP blocking state? (Choose two.)
• provides port security
• displays a steady green light
• learns MAC addresses as BPDUs are processed
• discards data frames received from the attached segment
• receives BPDUs and directs them to the system module
jawaban : • discards data frames received from the attached segment
• receives BPDUs and directs them to the system module

13. What is the first step in the process of convergence in a spanning tree topology?
• election of the root bridge
• determination of the designated port for each segment
• blocking of the non-designated ports
• selection of the designated trunk port
• activation of the root port for each segment
jawaban : • election of the root bridge
14. In which STP state does a switch port transmit user data and learn MAC addresses?
• blocking
• learning
• disabling
• listening
• forwarding
jawaban : • forwarding
15. What is the purpose of VTP?
• maintaining consistency in VLAN configuration across the network
• routing frames from one VLAN to another
• routing the frames along the best path between switches
• tagging user data frames with VLAN membership information
• distributing BPDUs to maintain loop-free switched paths
jawaban : • maintaining consistency in VLAN configuration across the network
16. Which statement best describes adaptive cut-through switching?
• The switch initially forwards all traffic using cut-through switching and then changes to store-and-forward switching if errors exceed a threshold value.
• The switch initially forwards all traffic using cut-through switching and then changes to fast-forward switching if errors exceed a threshold value.
• The switch initially forwards all traffic using cut-through switching and then temporarily disables the port if errors exceed a threshold value.
• The switch initially forwards all traffic using store-and-forward switching and then changes to cut-through switching if errors exceed a threshold value.
jawaban : • The switch initially forwards all traffic using cut-through switching and then changes to store-and-forward switching if errors exceed a threshold value.
• The switch initially forwards all traffic using cut-through switching and then changes to fast-forward switching if errors exceed a threshold value.
17. Using STP, how long does it take for a switch port to go from the blocking state to the forwarding state?
• 2 seconds
• 15 seconds
• 20 seconds
• 50 seconds
jawaban : • 50 seconds
Refer to the exhibit. The switches are interconnected by trunked links and are configured for VTP as shown. A new VLAN is added to Switch1. Which three actions will occur? (Choose three.)
• Switch1 will not add the VLAN to its database and will pass the update to Switch 2.
• Switch2 will add the VLAN to its database and pass the update to Switch3.
• Switch3 will pass the VTP update to Switch4.
• Switch3 will add the VLAN to its database.
• Switch4 will add the VLAN to its database.
• Switch4 will not receive the update.
jawaban : • Switch2 will add the VLAN to its database and pass the update to Switch3.
                • Switch3 will pass the VTP update to Switch4.
               • Switch4 will not receive the update. 

19 Which Catalyst feature causes a switch port to enter the spanning-tree forwarding state immediately?
• backbonefast
• uplinkfast
• portfast
• rapid spanning tree
jawaban : • portfast 
Refer to the exhibit. Which set of commands would be used on the router to provide communication between the two hosts connected to the switch?
• Router(config)# interface vlan 2
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Router(config)# interface vlan 3
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
• Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Router(config-if)# interface fastethernet 0/0.2
Router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 2
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Router(config-if)# interface fastethernet 0/0.3
Router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 3
Router(config-subif)# ip address
• Router(config)# interface vlan 2
Router(config-if)# switchport mode trunk dot1q
Router(config)# interface vlan 3
Router(config-if)# switchport mode trunk dot1q
• Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
Router(config-if)# mode trunk dot1q 2 3
Router(config-if)# ip address
jawaban : • Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Router(config-if)# interface fastethernet 0/0.2
Router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 2
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Router(config-if)# interface fastethernet 0/0.3
Router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 3
Router(config-subif)# ip address


CCNA Discovery 3 Module 2 Exam Answers Version 4.0

Sonya Leoni

1. What type of connection point is a point of presence (POP)?
• between a client and a host
• between two local networks
• between a computer and a switch
• between an ISP and an Enterprise network
Jawab: • between an ISP and an Enterprise network

2. A network administrator needs to configure Telnet access to a router. Which group of commandsenable Telnet access to the router?
• Router(config)# enable password class
Router(config)# line con 0
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# password cisco
• Router(config)# ip host NewYork
Router(config)# enable password cisco
• Router(config)# line aux 0
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# password cisco
• Router(config)# enable password class
Router(config)# line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# password cisco
Jawab: • Router(config)# enable password class
Router(config)# line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# password cisco

3. Which two types of information should be included in a business continuity plan? (Choose two.)
• maintenance time periods
• intrusion monitoring records
• offsite data storage procedures
• alternate IT processing locations*
• problem resolution escalation steps
Jawab: • alternate IT processing locations*

4. Which two router parameters can be set from interface configuration mode? (Choose two.)
• IP address
• Telnet password
• hostname
• console password
• subnet mask
• enable secret password
Jawab: • IP address , • subnet mask

5. Which two devices protect a corporate network against malicious attacks at the enterprise edge ?(Choose two.)
• demarc
• IP security (IPSec)
• Data Service Unit (DSU)
• intrusion prevention system (IPS)
• intrusion detection system (IDS)
Jawab: • intrusion prevention system (IPS)
• intrusion detection system (IDS)

6. Which three steps must be performed to remove all VLAN information from a switch but retain therest of the configuration? (Choose three.)
• Remove all VLAN associations from the interfaces.
• Remove the 802.1q encapsulation from the interfac
• Issue the command copy start run.
• Issue the command delete flash:vlan.dat.
• Issue the command erase start.
• Reload the switch.
Jawab: • Issue the command delete flash:vlan.dat.
• Issue the command erase start.
• Reload the switch.

7. What is the demarcation?
• physical point where the ISP responsibilty ends and the customer responsibilty begins
• physical location where all server farm connections meet before being distributed into the Core
• point of entry for outside attacks and is often vulnerable
• point of entry for all Access Layer connections from the Distribution Layer devices
Jawab: • physical point where the ISP responsibilty ends and the customer responsibilty begins

8. Which device is responsible for moving packets between multiple network segments?
• router
• switch
• IDS device
Jawab: • router

10. What information can an administrator learn using the show version command?
• Cisco IOS filename
• configured routing protocol
• status of each interface
• IP addresses of all interfaces
Jawab: • Cisco IOS filename

11. Which two situations require a network administrator to use out-of-band management to change arouter configuration? (Choose two.)
• Network links to the router are down.
• No Telnet password has been configured on the router.
• The administrator can only connect to the router using SSH.
• The network interfaces of the router are not configured with IP addresses.
• Company security policy requires that only HTTPS be used to connect to routers.
Jawab: • Network links to the router are down.• The network interfaces of the router are not configured with IP addresses.

12. It is crucial that network administrators be able to examine and configure network devices fromtheir homes. Which two approaches allow this connectivity without increasing vulnerability to externalattacks? (Choose two.)
• Configure a special link at the POP to allow external entry from the home computer.
• Set up VPN access between the home computer and the network.
• Install a cable modem in the home to link to the network.
• Configure ACLs on the edge routers that allow only authorized users to access management portson network devices.
• Configure a server in the DMZ with a special username and password to allow external access.
Jawab: • Set up VPN access between the home computer and the network.
• Configure ACLs on the edge routers that allow only authorized users to access management portson network devices.

13. A network administrator must define specific business processes to implement if a catastrophicdisaster prevents a company from performing daily business routines. Which portion of the networkdocumentation is the administrator defining?
• business security plan
• business continuity plan
• network solvency plan
• service level agreement
• network maintenance plan
Jawab: • business continuity plan

14. A DoS attack crippled the daily operations of a large company for 8 hours. Which two optionscould be implemented by the network administrator to possibly prevent such an attack in the future?(Choose two.)
• install security devices with IDS and IPS at the enterprise edge
• reset all user passwords every 30 days
• filter packets based on IP address, traffic pattern, and protocol
• deny external workers VPN access to internal resources
• ensure critical devices are physically secure and placed behind the demarc
• install security devices with IDS and IPS at the enterprise edge
• filter packets based on IP address, traffic pattern, and protocol

15. A network manager wants to have processes in place to ensure that network upgrades do not affectbusiness operations. What will the network manager create for this purpose?
• business security plan
• business continuity plan
• service level agreement
• network maintenance plan
• network maintenance plan

16. An investment company has multiple servers that hold mission critical datThey are worried that ifsomething happens to these servers, they will lose this valuable information. Which type of plan isneeded for this company to help minimize loss in the event of a server crash?
• business security
• business continuity
• network maintenance
• service level agreement
• business continuity

17. When searching for information about authentication methods and usernames of companypersonnel, where can a network administrator look?
• Business Continuity Plan
• Business Security Plan
• Network Maintenance Plan
• Service Level Agreement
• Business Security Plan

18. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true about port Fa5/1?
• When a violation is detected, the port will log the information to a syslog server.
• When a violation is detected, the port will go into err-disable mod
• There have been 11 security violations since the last reloa
• The port is currently in the shutdown state.
• The port is currently in the shutdown state.