
Lab 8.2.1 planning for access lists and port filters

Sonya Leoni

Based on the predefined network diagram, determine where to implement access lists and port filters to help protect the network.
You are the support technician sent onsite to assess the current network for a business customer that would like to reduce the risk of a security breach on the network.

Step 1: Restrict Client A to one subnet
You are asked to restrict client A to only the subnet to which it is currently attached. Client A needs to be able to access server A. but it does not need to accsess the internet or server B. where would you place the access list?
Router Interface Allow or Deny? Input or output filter? Why?
Router 2 0/0 dan 0/1 deny input Karena hanya untuk mengekses server yang berada di internal jaringan dan tidak bisa untuk eksternal jaringan atau jaringan luar

Step 2: Restrict client A access to server A but allow access to server B the internet
You are asked to restrict client B from accessing server B needs internet access and access to server B. where would you place the access list?
Router Interface Allow or Derry? Input or output filter? Why?
Router 1 dan 3 0/0 dan 0/1 allow output Karena diizinkan untu mengakses jaringan internal dan eksternal

Step 3: Allow only client A to access the routers using only SSH
You have been asked to secure access to the routers for only client A. which will be the management PC for those routers. You want to limit access to only SSH from Client A and prevent telnet access. Where would you place the access list?
Router Interface Input or output filter? Port Allow or Deny? Why?
Router 1 0/0 dan 0/1 input 0 deny Jaringan internal
Router 2 0/0 dan 0/1 output 0 allow Jaringan eksternal
Router3 0/0 dan 0/1 output 0 allow Jaringan eksternal

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